Sunday, February 4, 2018


Have you ever met that one person who can annoy everyone they meet?  Better question, have you ever been that person?  Sometimes I wonder about myself.  I know there are many things I do that can be considered annoying.  For some reason I pride myself on being able to recognize an actor in a movie or television show and tell you what else I've seen them in.  Then I act all smug if you disagree with me and then I have to double check IMDB and make sure I'm right.   How annoying is that? 

There is probably a good reason I spend time alone.  I love my alone time.  I love riding my bike, I love writing my book.  But I also love going to the movies alone, going to lunch alone.  I even love working at the bookstore alone.  I wonder if that's because no one can tell me I'm wrong. 

I have been trying to get over what others do that annoys me because I realize everyone is annoying to somebody.  I want to be a loving, giving, caring person.  I want to be helpful, and forgiving.  But I'm also at the time in my life where I don't always care what other people say.  It's a precarious position to be in.  My goal then is to as un-annoying as possible but still be myself.  To be as giving and caring as I can and still allow others to be themselves. 

But hey right now I just want the Eagles to win the Super Bowl!!!!!

Until next time.

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