Saturday, July 15, 2017

Exercise....What's the Point???

When I was a kid a wise man told me I needed to keep my body "Young, clean, and full of vitality."  I was sixteen, of course, yeah I get that.  Now I'm a little older, I think man I wish I would have followed that advice.  I exercise now, I bike a lot, I use a Fitbit and try to get in my 10,000 steps everyday. I have a gym membership.  But I haven't always done that.

I was in my twenties it was easy to stay physically fit. I used to go to the gym with friends, and afterward we'd stop by the local ice cream place and get a large shake.  It was reward for a job well done.  What's wrong with that.  Well, nothing except as my metabolism slowed down, I kept eating the shakes.  What??  Yeah not my best choice.  I was married in my late twenties and my life style changed somewhat as did my metabolism. I started to self medicate with my favorite comfort food, carbohydrates.  

In my late thirties I became a mom.  Even though I was chasing after my children I was still self medicating with food. Every seven years our bodies change.  As we get older, our bodies start to slow down and if we don't change our eating, our lifestyle and our exercise routines we will not keep our bodies full of vitality.

I have seen in my own family what happens when someone doesn't stay active.  When we don't eat appropriately and get some sort of exercise, our life can get out of balance.  Our bodies should be considered a gift from God.  It is the only thing besides our free will that is truly our own.  I feel so much better when I exercise.  My personal form of exercise is cycling.  For me, it is not only physically uplifting, but it also helps me focus my thoughts.  

If I go to the gym, it helps me in my work, and with my gardening.   If we keep our minds and our bodies clean and healthy, the better we feel.  The better I feel the more I can accomplish.

Stay healthy
Until next time.

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