Saturday, July 1, 2017

Sharing the Wisdom of a Friend

Every week when I post I try to share what I have been going through or feeling.  This week one of my Facebook friends shared this post. Since my week has been up and down I decided to pass this along. I think it is full of wisdom and definitely worth sharing.  If you notice at the bottom she said I could.  So here goes.

"Over the years, I've had many discussions with our daughters about people and relationships. I've tried to teach them what they should look for in a partner and what kind of partner they should be. I hope we have taught them by example as well. I found myself putting together a list the other night of the most important lessons I've learned. I'm sharing them here, so they are always here and will come up in my memories every year. Thanks FB.✌🏻
1.) Sometimes you have to give up on people. Not because you don't care, but because they don't. Don't run after people who don't want you. You'll always be running.
2.) DO NOT speak poorly of your past partners to your new one. It's very easy to do and very common, but it only reflects poorly on you. You once loved that person, or at least deeply liked them. Remember that. Choose the higher ground. You won't ever regret it.
3.) If you know something in your gut, trust it. Don't dismiss red flags. They are red for a reason.
4.) Nurture your relationships with friends. Especially when you've got a partner in your life. Friends are important. If your friends aren't accepting of your partner, ask yourself why. Listen carefully to the answers and do some thinking. It may be the partner that needs rethinking, but it might be the friend.
5.) If you wake up thinking of someone and you go to bed thinking of someone.....that just might be someone worth fighting for, worth keeping, even if it's sometimes hard. It's worth it. Listen to your heart, it knows.
6.) It's never too late to try again. Even if it doesn't workout in the way you hoped, you can walk away knowing you gave it everything you had and not full of regret. Don't leave unfinished business. Those doubts can eat you alive and will affect every relationship you have in the future.
7.) Talk to your partner. Admit when you're wrong. Tell them when you have a problem with them. But also, tell them what they're doing right. Meaningful communication is the most important thing in any relationship. If you don't talk to each other AND listen, you'll never survive.
8.) If you are being stupid, mean, or petty and you know it, STOP it! It doesn't have to be nasty. It's not a contest on who can hurt who the most. In that sort of contest, no one is a winner.
9.) When things get rough, and they will, reflect on the good times; the moments, the laughing, the romantic surprises, the singing, the dancing, and the late night talks. Do you really want to live your life without that person in it?
10.) Say goodnight, and good morning. Say, I love you and I appreciate you. Ask yourself every day how you can make your partners life better.
11.) As T-Swizzle so aptly put it, this ain't a fairy tale and you're not a princess. Live right now. Be forgiving. Don't overlook all that you actually have for something that isn't real. Movies and books aren't real. People are.
12.) Don't let past hurts keep you from loving with your whole heart. Hearts are actually pretty resilient. Don't hold back. Give your all. At the very least you learn from every experience you go through. You never know what's around that corner, so turn it.
13.) People will show you who they are if you give them the chance. Pay attention.
14.) Dream about your future. Make big plans. Always know there's more than one way to get from here to there. If one road ends, take a new one. Always keep your final destination in mind.
15.) You teach people how to treat you. Don't be a doormat. Don't be a wall. You are neither.
Feel free to share! The post is public."

--Melony Pulley

Until next time

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