Saturday, November 25, 2017

Christmas Season Is Upon Us

What does Christmas mean to me?  When I was a kid I looked forward to Christmas every year.  It always took forever to get here.  I watched Christmas specials on television, I went with my family every Christmas Eve to look at Christmas lights.  On Christmas Eve after I was supposed to be in bed I would stay up late and watch for Santa's sleigh.  Being from a large family Christmas morning was always fun.  There would be what seemed like a bazillion presents.  We weren't a family who would opened presents one at a time.  After everyone had their presents it was like a free for all.  We  would play with our toys all day long.  What a great time. 

After I got older and there were fewer of us home, there weren't as many presents, we still went for a drive to look at Christmas lights but we didn't get up so early in the morning.  Which as a teenager wasn't too bad.  

Now I'm the mom, and I have teenagers of my own.  I feel more stress and less joy. When I was a kid and my mom said all she wanted for Christmas was for her children to get along, I thought that was lame.  My kids ask me what I want for Christmas and of course as any good mother would say, I tell them I want my kids to get along.  It doesn't seem so lame now. 

I want to know how to find the joy of Christmas again.  I have tried to concentrate on giving to others, just to feel like it's never enough.  I have tried to step back and minimalize my gift giving only to feel like I have disappointed people.  I've tried to make my gifts more sentimental and less expensive, still not so great.  

I am still looking to find the joy of Christmas.  If you have any suggestions please let me know.  

Until next  time.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Bullying, It's Just Wrong.

I was reading a blog the other day, written by a mom who was very distraught.  She is a woman of faith and has many children, two of which were adopted.  Being a woman of faith and the mother of an adopted child, I took a special interest in her story.  Some of our experiences are the same but unfortunately some of her experiences have been more difficult than mine.  Let me start by prefacing this blog by saying, my daughter is of mixed race.  She is white and Tongan.  She is outgoing, athletic, smart fun an gorgeous.  She has met her birth parents and is well adjusted and is loved by many people.  The woman whose blog I read has a son who has had a very different experience.

This young man is also of multi-cultural background, he is athletic, smart, and very handsome.  He has loving and giving parents who stand by him through everything.  Unfortunately his is also the subject of bullying.  "Friends" call him names, which I refuse to even write.  They make jokes at his expense.  Stating "You know we're kidding, right?" He is a teenager with a broken heart. 

Bullying comes in all kinds of packages.  Whether it's on the playground, or school room, or in the boardroom, or even our own homes, bullying does exist.  It's not just children.  Millions of adults are bullied everyday.  It's not what society calls it though.  If you are humiliating people on purpose in anyway you are a bully.  From the abusive parent or spouse, right down to the bully on the playground, or the prankster in the office, if you are having fun at someone else's expense you are a bully. 

I think we need to take a step back and take a look at what we say and how we act toward others.  Are you a bully or do you step up and protect those who are victims.  Those are our choices, whether we are adults or children we have a choice to make. 

Until next time.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Life is Like a Playground

I have worked at my local elementary school since my son who is now a junior in high school was in first grade.  I wasn't always the librarian, I started out as a playground aide.  The one thing I have noticed over the years is the playground is a microcosm of life.  You get to choose what you want to do, where you want to play, but it's way more fun to be with others than all by yourself.

For example, playing on the teetertotter is much more fun with two people.  There are times in my life when I enjoy doing things by myself.  I love to go to the movies by myself.  I can sit where I want, I don't have to share popcorn, and no one talks to me during the movie.  I love going to my favorite restaurant with my favorite book.  Life however is meant to be lived with others. Some times I like sharing my popcorn.  Being along some of the time is fun, being alone all of the time is not.

There are people who have to make the best of it.  Who through no fault of there own are in fact alone.  Given the choice they would prefer to spend their time with others.  So like the playground they can either find some place of joy and be on the swing set alone, or they can search someone out to play on the teetertotter.  Either way people choose to go where they can find peace.  It is easier if you like who you are.

I enjoy my time alone because even though I am not perfect and I see all my own flaws, I have learned that I like me.  It's not always easy to admit my faults not even to myself, but I've found I can accept myself for who I am.  It's easier to accept others once you're okay with your self.

So like my young friends on the playground, be happy where you are and seek out the friendship of others.

Until next time.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Life is Precious

We all have life experience.  We all learn from our experiences, one thing I have learned from my life's experience is precious. 

Many, many times in the last eight years I have needed the love, advice, and help from my father.  Unfortunately, my father died in 2009.  So I have learned this valuable lesson, never take the one's you love, or the life you have been given for granted. 

How many people were affected by the killing spree in Las Vegas?  How many family members will never be the same.  Whether the victims were killed or injured the loved ones as well as victims lives have been changed forever. 

What is the secret to living life to it's fullest?  I think it is to make everyday count.  Live like you mean it.  My daughter used to have this saying in vinyl on her wall. I loved it.

Dance like no one is watching
Love like you've never been hurt
Sing like no one can hear you
Live like its Heaven on Earth

Don't miss an opportunity to tell those you love, you love them. Don't miss an opportunity to be of service.  Don't miss the opportunity to be true to yourself.  

Until next time.