Saturday, May 27, 2017

It's My Birthday!!!

My Birthday is coming up this week.  "What do you want for your birthday mom?"  That is the question I will get the day before.  The only problem is I don't really know.  When you get to be my age presents don't mean as much as they used to.  I have a friend who told me her daughter was going to give her memories for her birthday.  What a great idea.  I want memories for my birthday.  I'm not talking about a photo album, which would be cool too.  I'm talking about going out and doing something fun, or crazy, or out of the ordinary.  That sounds like fun.  

I'm trying to bring my life back into some kind of balance.  Part of that is learning to have fun again. As adults, sometimes I think we forget how to have fun.  If you have been following me for very long you will know that I was raised in a home with a mother who was the queen of guilt and a father who was the king of responsibility.  Yeah, how much fun was my childhood.  Actually it wasn't all bad, but wanting to please my parents, especially my father, has led me to be driven by responsibility.  So I have been seeking out ways to have fun.

Making memories doesn't mean spending a lot of money.  You'd think at this time in my life I wouldn't need to be so tight, but unfortunately I do.  So I'm going to look for ways to make my birthday fun, memorable, and inexpensive this year.  One thing I know I'm going to look forward to this week is cycling in the Little Red, a bike ride for cancer awareness.  This year I'm going to be crazy and go for the full 100 miles.  And yes, the answer is, I am crazy.  9 hours in my own head!!  Augh!  As a result next weeks blog will probably be late in coming.  Riding that long really zaps my energy.  But it will be fun!!!!

Until next time.

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