Saturday, October 28, 2017

Utilitarian. What????

I live a very utilitarian life.  No, that is not a religion, it just means my life isn't all that exciting.  The last vacation I went on was a 2 day camping trip a year and a half ago. 

That's not to say my life is boring, okay maybe just a little.  I hear of my friends going on these wonderful European vacations, or trips to the islands.  That would be amazing.  But my life doesn't go that way.  So I look for ways to make my life a little more full. 

 What can I do to make my life more fun?  Well if you've been following me at all you know I have a boatload of hobbies.  I ride my bike, I read a ton of books, I write when I can, I cross stitch. I love to make homemade cards, and quilt.  I know that doesn't even compare to jet setting across the Continent, but we do what we can. 

The upside, and if you know me there is always an upside, I love my jobs.  Okay I love one of my jobs and the other I don't mind.  My life may not be all that exciting, but it's a good life.  I have a home and a family.  I have food on my table, and clothes on my back.  I believe God gives us a life and expects us to live it to the fullest. When I was younger I was blessed to see many things and visit many places.  I've spent a year and a half living and serving others in Ireland.  I have spent time in South Florida and New Orleans visiting family.  I've found myself in Southern California, and for that matter Northern California.  I even went to Hawaii when I was 13.  I have seen some of the world. 

Everyone's life is important.  Every way of life is important.  Living a life wishing things were different is a waste of spirit.  If your life is not what you want, do what you can to change it, pray for help, and hope for the best.  A life without hope is a hard existence at best.  Hope can bring you joy, peace and love. 

So always look for the upside.

Until next time. 

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